Specialist in Education
Jode Brexa’s expertise and passion for digital storytelling make her a valuable resource for educators, especially English Access Microscholarship Program teachers and coordinators who want to enhance their teaching practice through this powerful medium.

International Commitment

Jode is an award-winning educator with over 30 years of teaching and training in both secondary and post-secondary institutions in the U.S. and internationally. She served in the Peace Corps in Senegal and is alumna of multiple U.S. State Department exchange programs in Romania, India, Mongolia, and Tajikistan. She received a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching and supported Digital Storytelling for youth voice in South Africa. In 2022, Jode lived and worked in Uzbekistan as a Coach in the English Speaking Nation project, collaborating with teachers in rural schools and working with highly motivated and creative students in Access programs.

Research-driven Approach

Jode earned her Educational Specialist degree in Applied Leadership and Policy Studies with a concentration in Digital Storytelling from the University of Colorado-Denver. She has published on Digital Storytelling in Agenda, a leading feminist publication, and, as a result of her Fulbright project in South Africa, a chapter titled “Voices of Young Women Leaders: Swaraj and Satyagraha through Digital Storytelling” was published in Teachers Teaching Nonviolence (Bracho and Dodson, Dion Press, 2020).

Research-driven Approach

Jode earned her Educational Specialist degree in Applied Leadership and Policy Studies with a concentration in Digital Storytelling from the University of Colorado-Denver. She has published on Digital Storytelling in Agenda, a leading feminist publication, and, as a result of her Fulbright project in South Africa, a chapter titled “Voices of Young Women Leaders: Swaraj and Satyagraha through Digital Storytelling” was published in Teachers Teaching Nonviolence (Bracho and Dodson, Dion Press, 2020).

Creative Writer

Along with guiding digital storytelling workshops for teachers and students, Jode creates digital stories drawn from thirty years of travel. Her multimedia journeys on ArcGIS StoryMaps often explore cultural themes and the importance of human connection. Explore Jode’s creative work here!